
class lamindb.setup.core.SetupSettings

Bases: object

Setup settings.


property auto_connect: bool

Auto-connect to current instance upon import lamindb.

Upon installing lamindb, this setting is False.

Upon calling lamin init or lamin connect on the CLI, this setting is switched to True.

ln.connect() doesn’t change the value of this setting.

You can manually change this setting

  • in Python: ln.setup.settings.auto_connect = True/False

  • via the CLI: lamin settings set auto-connect true/false

property cache_dir: UPath

Cache root, a local directory to cache cloud files.

property instance: InstanceSettings

Settings of current LaminDB instance.

property paths: type[SetupPaths]

Convert cloud paths to lamidb local paths.

Use settings.paths.cloud_to_local_no_update or settings.paths.cloud_to_local.

property private_django_api: bool

Turn internal Django API private to clean up the API (default False).

This patches your local pip-installed django installation. You can undo the patch by setting this back to False.

property settings_dir: Path

The directory that holds locally persisted settings.

property storage: StorageSettings

Settings of default storage.

property user: UserSettings

Settings of current user.